in you. "Once" means, like, back then, in the good ol' days, before mercy—at least, before the speaker knew mercy. . O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. heart! Vaster than empires, and more slow; Then, we get one of the poem's most famous lines. d. All of these. He continued to sing till evening but when the night fell, he began to feel the pangs of hunger. Refer to lines 1 and 2, what is the predominant feeling of the speaker in the lines?Why does he feel that way - 15714511 carlolalaki carlolalaki 04.06.2021 English Junior High School answered These words perfectly depict the leader's hubris. Each in his narrow cell forever laid, The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep. Instead, the speaker has to despair and be afraid of it. The last three lines, however, take on a different tone. Question 7. She wishes to detain him there for a month or two before allowing him to take the final plunge. The people of the country are celebrating Lincoln's victory. Ans: The speaker is referring to the witches prophecies and their vanishing into thin air suddenly. We think "vegetable love" is "organic love" - love . A speaker is a term used to describe the user who is giving vocal commands to a software program.. 2. Unidas Podemos entered the coalition government with Spain's equivalent of the Labour Party, the PSOE. Once a person has decided on a particular route, it is doubtful whether one would ever have the opportunity to return to the original choice and thus . What is the speaker referring to in these lines? It is an anti-war poem. In these last two lines, the puzzle pieces connect. These words reveal Bassanio's wisdom and his right observation. iii) " The water rising now, filling the jeep. What is the speaker referring to in these lines? c. What does the speaker try to convey through these lines ?. . By making such a mistake, the speaker almost revealed that he still could not recognise the other man. . A computer speaker is an output hardware device that connects to a computer to generate sound. Identity an image in these lines and explain what is being compared to what What does this image mean? My Captain!". It has fourteen lines, which are divided into three quatrains and a couplet. With these lines, the speaker compares death to "rest and sleep" and even uses the word "pleasure" to describe how one should feel about death. The speaker calls his countrymen as 'my loving friends'. State the old saying uttered by Nerissa after the prince's departure. When considering the speaker of a piece of poetry one of the first things to keep in mind is that the poet may not be the speaker. Answer: Portia tells Bassanio to desist from making the choice of the casket. . Lines 23-24. Question 5: His face was agitated. It was because they were sorry, too, that they had not gone to school more. But the other part. This should be considered along with the tone, mood, and context clues. do buzzards eat rotten meat / park terrace apartments apopka, fl / sonnet 32 what request does the speaker ask of time. . Question 4. The eruption of ethna 4.Adam and Eve's fall from perfection #4 Short answer- analysis what do the speakers of wyatt's and spenser's sonnets have in common? The repetition indicates the speaker's continued failure to succeed in his endeavor. Ans: Banquo says these lines. Now, the leader is gone, and so is his empire. answer choices. Explain what "harvest" the speaker is referring to ? The last three lines, however, take on a different tone. the "forlorn feeling" (line 1) the sinking feeling of the heart mentioned in line 6. the sense of a "common humanity" (line 10) 21. After Blenheim has a scathing criticism of the horrors of war. In these lines, what skill does the speaker exhibit? If you can make one heap of all your winnings. It was their way of thanking our master for his forty years of faithful service and of showing their respect for the country that was theirs no more. the feeling of closeness between humans and animals. This time has lengthened to a 'month or two'. The idea of a local computer network had been discussed before PARC was founded—in 1966, at Stanford University. Question 5. The last line of her couplet is referring to a time before the speaker was changed. The first line of the poem creates a distinctly . The first and third lines in the group are almost identical ("Oh God! SURVEY. And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings, And never breathe a word about your loss: If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew. Answer. Line 17 introduces a geographical image referring to the East and West Indies, sources respectively of spices and gold. She smiles even without a reason and is very popular among people. A speaker may refer to any of the following:. The word "slow" in line 12 gives us a clue. The spatial distance between the speaker and the abbey reflects his emotional distance from the past, on which he ruminates as he approaches these ancient ruins. Bassanio is the speaker. The buyers suggested here are happy daughters and wives. 5. Every day, she comes to the lake to look at her reflection and sees the honest reflection of her appearance. Explain what "harvest" the speaker is referring to? O Captain! The structure is, "When this happens, that . Mention four things which Gonzalo says he will have in his "commonwealth". Each stanza of the poem is arranged in three couplets that follow the rhyme scheme of aabbcc. In the early lines, he . A celebration is being held by the passengers of a ship. IU is part of an electoral alliance with the newer democratic socialist formation, Podemos and allies, as Unidas Podemos. My vegetable love should grow. Refer to Explorations in Literature for a complete version of this poem. Correct answers: 3 question: C Read these lines from O Captain! In a farm meeting of animals of Manor Farm, he explains that he is getting old and may die soon, so he wishes to impart his wisdom. Read the following passage. What is the speaker referring to in these lines? To whom is the speaker referring in these lines from "Elegy Written in a Country Curchyard"? Answer: Margie and Tommy read telebooks where words moved on a screen. My Captain!." Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. Howw are they different? The first eight lines—the octave—discuss the same thought i.e., the comparison of the speaker's beloved with summer. . must be so caught up. Visual art captures only one moment, and makes it eternal. To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing. Answer. The first theme we'll discuss that's important to understanding Maya Angelou's "Still I Rise" is the relationship between personal and collective experience. The people of the country are celebrating Lincoln's victory. The signal used to produce the sound that comes from a computer speaker is created by the computer's sound card.The picture shows the Harman Kardon . it shows that international diplomacy, politics and war are matters which are cut off from the lives of common men. Ans: The speaker feels that he might have lost his reason because it should not be possible for people to just . Despite his failures, the speaker apparently does not give up hope. These words perfectly depict the leader's hubris. 2 See answers Explain the following lines: When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Answer. Instead, the speaker has to despair and be afraid of it. Describe the bangles mentioned in the extract. (b) Amanda was a girl who loved freedom. Because of helplessness. The casting of Santan from heaven 2 Leviathan's attack on a boat's pilot 3. Just as a restful night of sleep brings pleasure, so should death. All of these. [The extract is taken from the Animal Farm] Old Major, the boar, is the speaker of the lines above. Read these excerpts. Answer: The speaker is referring to the glowing lamp that the worm carries. By comparing the sound of typing to a sound on a ship, the writer adds to the other seafaring imagery in the poem, including "prow" and "cargo.". The last six lines—the sestet—bring in a new thought. Answer: These lines show that the speaker was clever, good orator and witty. rise up and hear the bells, Rise up - for you the flag is flung - for you the bugle trills; For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths - for you the shores a-crowding For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning, O People on a boat . Answer: The central idea of the poem is to highlight the character of Miss Pushpa T.S. Answer: In Colchos in Asia near the Suxine on the Black Sea was a ram with golden fleece. My Captain!". In the poem, Shelley describes a crumbling statue of Ozymandias as a way to portray the transience of political power and to praise art's ability to preserve the past. Posted by ; brake pedal sticking in cold weather; my Captain! Answer: It disapproves the destruction to the life and property caused by the war. The people of the country are celebrating Lincoln's victory. By comparing the sound of typing to the sound of chains, the writer creates a picture related to the image of a trapped bird at the end of the poem. (c) The speaker didn't rebuke her but pointed out certain habits of her. Shelley implements irony into these lines to show that even though this broken statue remains, the leader's civilization does not. Trivial disputes lead to the death of thousands of people. The dominant mood of this stanza is that of festive joy and cheerfulness. All at once the poet notices a group of daffodils waving in the breeze. | Certified Educator. It is beautiful and haunting as poems about death become when one gets to be my age (60+). Before this quote, he ponders the many "thanes" or warriors who have fallen in battle. Read this line from "O Captain! Thus, the poem highlight that war is futile and should strictly avoid. The people of the country are celebrating Lincoln's victory. Part of you may live alone inside, like a stone at the bottom of a well. Jason succeded with the help of Medea, daughter of Acetes, who loved him. 5 Jun. (2) . In "A Blessing", what is most likely the "blessing"? Answer: (a) Amanda's parent is the speaker in these lines. with little power, and these lines sound a bit like the very arguments whites used to justify slavery. It is quite likely that the poet chose to write from a perspective that isn't their own. Lines 11-12. These lines describe how the speaker's beloved is unlike the summer. Point out specific examples. in the flurry of the world. Steeve and I lifted the boys as high as we could" a. a. Here, the speaker says with an aggrieved heart that it was he who made the impossible, possible for people. Then he elaborates the word 'crowd' by adding the noun 'host'. Answer: Portia tells Bassanio to desist from making the choice of the casket. Summary of Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. Discussion. to reward any valid interpretations to use their discretion intelligently and objectively not to give more than a bare pass mark if the student merely recounts the plot of the selected story/poem/drama. 3. The rest of the closing lines may be said by the speaker of the poem. What is the speaker referring to in these lines? The author talks about the victory when he asks for the captain to "hear the bells", which is most likely a reference . The context of this quote is the aged wayfarer thinking about death and how to live wisely. (b) No occupation. My Captain!". Read these lines from Whitman's "O Captain! Shelley implements irony into these lines to show that even though this broken statue remains, the leader's civilization does not. Alonso, the king of Naples, is addressed as "my lord". And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings, And never breathe a word about your loss: If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew. Thus, there is nothing to fear in death, for death will . To what event is milton referring in these lines from Paradise Lose? (c) The speaker didn't rebuke her but pointed out certain habits of her. Q. First, there are two major characters in "Still I Rise": the Black speaker of the poem, and the person to whom they're asking their questions (the "you"/addressee). Solution. answer choices. In one of the oldest stories Jason led a party of Greek heroes called the Argonauts through many hazards in order to bring back golden fleece. Q. This speech plants the idea of rebellion in the minds of the animal. Question 2. . In these lines, Frost is referring to choice. (d) Sulking. By daring the reader to "come and see," the speaker asserts his viewpoint that his readers are partially responsible for the violence that has taken place. (d) Sulking. It can be inferred when the speaker states, "literature is full of portrayals of these glimpses" (lines 15-16) that the author is referring to. The speaker starts telling the mistress about his "vegetable love." Much debate occurs over the meaning of this term. Answer: Portia speaks these lines when Bassanio goes to make his choice of the casket. Food for thought. Gonzalo means to say that if he would be the king of this island he would do many things. c) Why does the speaker feel the that he might have lost his reason? the light breeze that moves over the landscape. In his commonwealth Gonzalo would: (a) Have no Magistrates. Lines 1-2. A host is a big group. Ans. Is all that we see or seem But a dream within a dream? Q. Sinews are the very tendons that make the heart function and are therefore regarded as a source of power and energy. 2. Because of the reflection of her old age being honestly presented to her, she cries and wrings her hands. answer choices. 120 seconds. b. It suggests a huge presence of the crowd that had assembled on the house-tops. Birches : The poem Birches is a wisdom-laden poem by Robert Frost which was a part of a collection titled Mountain Interval (1916).Written in blank verse and composed in a charmingly conversational tone, the poem revolves around the themes of the nature of Truth, the relation between fact and fiction, revisiting one's childhood and the balance between life and art which must be maintained . Portia says that there is another moth which has burnt itself in the flame of the candle. 4. Question 6. Earlier in a line she talked of detaining him for a 'day or two'. She is a bit afraid of the outcome. the scenery, lighting, and props change.-last choice. These people, when they choose, the wisdom of their superficial knowledge makes them look utterly foolish and lead them to make the wrong choice. Now, the leader is gone, and so is his empire. The speaker talks about the rousing welcome he had been accorded by people earlier. heart! What is the speaker referring to in these lines? heart! sonnet 32 what request does the speaker ask of time. Which explanation best describes how these lines develop the speaker's viewpoint? The common man and innocent children suffer while the aristocrats win the acclaim. And treat those two impostors just the same: If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken. Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address." It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the . He wanted to make the worm his meal in order to satiate his hunger. Read these lines from "Some Advice to Those Who Will Serve Time in Prison," and think about the meaning of the underlined words. But O heart! The speaker is then left alone to ponder the isolated rural scene. The bangles described here are delicate, bright, colourful like a rainbow, and shining. the spring grasses that grow in the pasture. . 35. the internet is an electronic communications network that connects computer systems all over the world.- third choice. In this stanza, the speaker uses the word "harvest" satirically. 2 See answers Advertisement Advertisement hardysouthern hardysouthern The poem, generally, is about the Civil war and the death of President Abraham Lincoln, who is the Captain. (b) What is the mood of the speaker in these lines? It suits a king more than his crown. The speaker thinks about how all of his light has been used up ("spent") before even half his life is over. Later I wound my pugree (turban) round his stomach and knitted it tight to keep everything from falling out again. They might be channeling someone with very different . What is the speaker referring to in these lines? Question 3. Question 7: Give the central idea of the poem. c. All of these. How does the speaker present the Tyger, as compared to the lamb in Blake's other poem . 2. (c) What is the speaker's state of mind here? You could say that the speaker's mood changes twice. He calls them a 'crowd because they are packed tightly together. Read these lines from the poem: If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim, If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster. If you can make one heap of all your winnings. Read these lines from Whitman's "O Captain! Answer. 1. The title "Ozymandias" refers to an alternate name of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II. As Gohrick began to address City Administrator Todd Feland, sitting several feet to his right, Mayor Brandon Bochenski asked Gohrick to address elected officials on the dais before him. Secondly, mercy is the most powerful feeling in those who have the highest authority. The fact that the lark rises from the "sullen earth" at "break of day" implies that the day is much happier than the night; day break is compared to the dawning of a thought of the beloved. 1. People on a boat are happy to be returning home from a trip. The speaker implies that sleep is simply a small glimpse of Death. the relationship between the speaker and his friend. Especially if you are preparing for an exam. The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won; . Art refer to the nature of human being which is itself closely related to beauty. What perspective does the speaker view Tintern Abbey?-In geographical terms, as the title of the poem suggests, the speaker views Tintern Abbey from several miles above. It is revealed that the reason for the woman's distress is that she fears aging. there are several ways for students to earn money.- third choice. This time has lengthened to a 'month or two'. 5. The speaker calls his countrymen as 'my loving friends'. Larry Tesler, now manager of object-oriented systems at Apple, who had graduated . Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, From where are these lines taken? Ans. So they found it strange that the words in the printed book remained fixed unlike the moving ones on their television screen. He could have been referring to someone who would not smoke, like the speaker's grandmother. The simile of a lark is developed in lines 10-12, when the speaker describes the effect that a thought of his love has on his "state," or emotional well-being. One mark for correctly quoting an image from these lines and . To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing. He presented his arguments about the creations of God before the nightingale. What is the speaker referring to in these lines? (b) Amanda was a girl who loved freedom. Does the speaker understate or overstate the actual qualities of the sun? Answer (1 of 4): Stanley and Shubhangi have given you excellent answers. Answer: The 'damned thing' referred to by the speaker, Kezia's father, is the pin-cushion Kezia had made . in you. Extract 16. heart!O the bleeding drops of red,Where on the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead. Some poems, delicately pressing on an emotion. This gave the impression as though they were moving and swinging. The next half of the poem . There is a languid, emerald sea, (1×4=4) where the sole inhabitant is me— a mermaid, drifting blissfuly. Books were stored in a machine that could store a million books on it and still be good for plenty more. He speaks these lines as he broods over the inscription on the gold casket. She is a sweet lady with an all-time smile on her face. She wishes to detain him there for a month or two before allowing him to take the final plunge. Shoulders and art both bear obligations and burden. Lines 1-4: In the primary stanza, the speaker observes the indicators of a rustic day drawing to a detailed: a curfew bell ringing, a herd of cattle transferring throughout the pasture, and a farm labourer returning dwelling. All the human love beauty, this is the . It came upto our chests. Check out the symmetry of these lines. She is leaving for abroad to improve her prospect. can I not"). Answer: (a) Amanda's parent is the speaker in these lines. Identify the overstatements in lines 9-10, 13, 15, 16-20, 21-24, 29-30. Who wrote them? Izquierda Unida is composed of the Spanish Communist Party and a number of small regional parties. Question 3. Earlier in a line she talked of detaining him for a 'day or two'. 36. which of the topic sentences below best states the paragraph's main idea? 2. In the early portion of the poem, the speaker spirals into a low and dark mood. But O heart! that you shiver there inside. The people of the country are celebrating Lincoln's victory. What does the speaker mean in these lines from Meditation 17? It could be a stupid thing for him to say because he did not really know who the other man was referring to. Camren Little. He says that as a leader he did everything to keep people happy and left nothing undone for them. The speaker reminisces and conveys his overall satisfaction of the early values of the people. One mark for correctly explaining how the metaphor contributes to the meaning of the with the eternal time-bomb stanza " our own extinction 2.2 Refer to lines 15-16. In an outburst of praise for the heroes who won the war, Old Kasper reveals the typical inability of an ordinary citizen to grasp the reason why the war took place. (c) What does the speaker refer to as the 'damned thing'? There is a languid, emerald sea, (1×4=4) where the sole inhabitant is me— a mermaid, drifting blissfuly. Rhyme Scheme Answer: The nightingale had sung throughout the day and had entertained the villagers with his song. Answer: The speaker has stated that mercy is shown by human beings as naturally and spontaneously as the gentle drops of rain fall from the sky above down to the ground below. What is the speaker referring to? He says that as a leader he did everything to keep people happy and left nothing undone for them. 180 seconds. when outside, at forty days' distance . These lines and the ones until the end of the stanza teach us another aspect of art. As a man without light, he now lives in a world that is both "dark and wide." The first word of the poem, "When," gives us an idea of the structure of the sentence that will follow. Examiners are encouraged. Read these lines from Whitman's "O Captain! This was the first time I read the poem. People are crowding the shore, waiting for a boat to dock. sonnet 32 what request does the speaker ask of timebritool tools catalogue. Answer. b) What is the speaker referring to? Answer: The speaker, Kezia's father, is very angry while speaking. Kezia's father speaks these lines to his mother. Marking Scheme -2018 46 Appreciation of English Literary Texts Part 11. SURVEY. Abraham Lincoln has tragically died. Lines 9­ - 10: These lines refer to the power of the tiger, and of its creator. Although the poem is a 14-line sonnet, it breaks from the typical sonnet . He looked around to find something to eat and noticed a glow-worm on the ground. My Captain!. She is in an excited and tense mood. "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main." . .